Licensing interface overview
The Licensing module has eight options in the navigation bar at the top of each page. Each option lets you access and manage a different part of the Licensing module. Additionally, you can use drop-down list in the upper right corner of each page to select a different language for the interface.
The following options are available to you in the navigation bar:
- Home—lets you search for and select license records to manage.
- New License—adds a new license record.
- Licenses in Progress—displays license records that aren't complete.
- Expression Comparison—lets you compare sections (such as the terms governing interlibrary loans) from multiple license records.
- Calendar—displays licenses due for renewal.
- ONIX-PL File Import—lets you import license terms that are encoded in the ONIX-PL format.
- Admin—lets you manage users and adjust the settings governing licenses. This includes providing document types, how licenses are sectioned (and how those sections are defined), which statuses are available, and which OpenURL link resolver to use with the Terms Tool.
- Change Module—lets you switch between the different modules.
The Licensing module also includes a related feature called the Terms Tool An add-on to the BLUEcloud eRM Licensing module, the Terms Tool allows key stakeholders, such as interlibrary loan staff, to view the license terms without needing direct access to BLUEcloud eRM Licensing. Typically, in order to use the Terms Tool, you must configure the URL link to the Terms Tool page in your library's resource discovery system or link resolver menu. The URL link to the Terms Tool page includes a parameter for the ISBN or ISSN of a resource. The Terms Tool uses the ISBN or ISSN to query the library's link resolver and subsequently retrieve a list of available packages that contain the electronic resource. In turn, the Terms Tool matches the list of packages to the license records in BLUEcloud eRM Licensing before displaying the corresponding license terms for each available package.. Using the Terms Tool, you can display electronic resource license terms publicly at the point of access, for example, by integrating the Terms Tool with your library's resource discovery system or OpenURL link resolver. In order to access the Terms Tool, you must know the URL to use for each electronic resource.
See these topics for more information:
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